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sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012

English theatre in Goa, 25 years later

English theatre in Goa, 25 years later

Mustard Seed Art Company, a small alternate venture started by a group of

youngsters and their mentor (Professor Isabel Santa Rita Vas) completed 25
years in Goa, India in November 2012. On the occasion, a book of six plays
staged by the troup was released in Panjim, Goa. The book of plays is
entitled *Frescoes in the Womb: Six Plays from Goa* and is in English.
Speaking at this release function are Konkani playwright Tomazinho Cardozo
(director of the tiatr or Konkani theatre group Kala Mogi) and Marathi
theatre personality Vishnu Surya Wagh, along with Vivek Menezes and Mario
Coelho (part of the group).
Keywords: goa; india; theatre; english; mustard seed art company; dr.
isabel santa rita vas; panjim; kala academy; mario coelho; vivek menezes;
thomazinho cardoso; vishnu surya wagh

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